You may not know it, but a lot of marketing agencies outsource most of their website design work to inexpensive overseas freelancers. You’re entitled to know who will be doing the actual work, and where they’re located. Outsourcing is common Probably much more common than you think. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but there […]
How to promote your website
There are over a billion websites on the internet, so it’s critical that you promote your own site at every opportunity. Learn how with these simple tips. Help people find your new website Google indexes a bazillion new web pages every single day. Most will never receive a human visitor. Why? Because there’s just too […]
The truth about social media engagement
Does social media engagement really matter? From the beginning of social media (around 1997), post “engagement” has always been promoted as one of its most valuable and defining features. Liking, commenting, following, and sharing were all types of social media interaction considered essential to a company or individual. Even today, social media “success” is typically […]
A Facebook page is not a website
There are dozens of digital marketing channels available to reach your audience, but none are more powerful than your own business website. Whether you’re selling products, services, memberships, or education, that’s where it all starts. What is a Facebook business page? A Facebook business page is a free platform on Facebook that allows businesses, brands, […]
SEO myths
For the uninitiated, SEO is short for search engine optimization. It’s a mostly overhyped collection of methodologies (many questionable) for improving the search engine rankings of websites. In other words, trying to game Google. 19 common SEO myths In short, search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a […]
Marketing for community service organizations
A simple online framework for community service organizations that will help increase awareness, create interest, and provide a clear and easy-to-use path for supporters to connect and learn. Preserving tradition in a digital world Despite all the changes to the media landscape in the last 20 years, the fundamentals of marketing haven’t changed much. You […]
Websites that work
This short guide covers seven key areas that you should focus on to help your website function at the highest level. These steps aren’t complicated or expensive, plus you can get started today. Seven keys to online success Is your website working hard for your business? And if it is, how do you know? Whether […]
Vague But Exciting
The dawn of the World Wide Web Have you ever wondered about the origin of the World Wide Web? The passages below are from an online book (see below) by Jeremy Keith. He can explain it far more eloquently — and with much more authority — than I could. Enjoy. Complex machinery Right now humanity’s […]
When to hire a new web designer
Do you need a better web designer? Not all cheap websites are bad, but if you’re not thrilled with the look or performance of your current website, this article might help explain why. Is your website guilty? If your livelihood depends on your online presence, then there are few things worse than a website that […]
da Vinci was a Doodler
You’re no doubt familiar with Leonardo da Vinci, but maybe you didn’t know that he was also a sculptor, engineer, architect, inventor, and doodler. Why so few paintings? You’re no doubt familiar with Leonardo da Vinci, the 15th century artist most famous for painting the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. But maybe you didn’t […]