Couldn’t I build a website myself?
Sure. You could build your own refrigerator too.
I double dog dare you
Just kidding. Fortunately, there are dozens of “page-building” tools available to help you create a great website on your own. But like a lot of projects, sometimes it’s not a matter of “can you,” but more a matter of do you really “want to”?
How did I do that?
Building a website — no matter what tools you use — isn’t a particularly intuitive process. The learning curve can be steep and, unless you fiddle with it every day, you’ll forget important skills that will have to be relearned. Trust me, it can be painful.
Building a website is just the beginning
Also, keep in mind that after the site is built, it needs to be managed. That means security, backups, updates, additions, revisions, and fixing cranky code. Not to mention copywriting, marketing, search engine optimization, and social media posting.
Just do it
If you’re not sure what to do, just start — anywhere. Most of the popular website builders have free plans that let you learn and experiment without any long-term obligation. It’s a great low-risk (and low-stress) way to learn what you’re up against and whether it’s something you’d want to tackle by your lonesome.
A few of our favorite website builders (in no particular order):
If you get stuck or need some unvarnished advice, just get in touch. You can ask us anything. No strings.